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© CMH2 - May 2010
Designed & Maintained by:
Faculté des Sciences Semlalia - Marrakech
Société Marocaine d'Herpétologie


1. Assessment of conservation strategies in different regions around of the Mediterranean basin |

This theme aims to provide a general state of knowledge on rare and threatened amphibians and reptiles in the Mediterranean region (the existence of Red Books, lists of protected species), conservation actions already taken (and networks and types of protected area’) and gaps identified ;

2. Impact of global changes on the Mediterranean herpetofauna |

This topic discusses the processes of extinction or depletion of the Mediterranean herpetofauna, with emphasis on global change impacts sensu lato: climate change, habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, pollution and biological invasions. The consequences on the distribution and dynamics of rare, endemic or protected species will be given particular emphasis.

3. New advances in ecology and conservation biology of the Mediterranean herpetofauna. |

This topic will address recent conceptual advances in the conservation of rare species and their application to the Mediterranean herpetofauna. It concerns the importance of genetic and phylogeographic approaches in prioritizing units to be maintained and the conservation of peripheral population that are ecologically marginal or fragmented. Approaches based on the concept of metapopulation will also be discussed. It will also address the ecological processes associated with specific interactions, demographic aspects and the importance of eco-geographical variation in amphibians and reptiles in order to illustrate the importance of spatial approaches in conservation ecology.

4. Pilot operations for the conservation and restoration |

This theme focuses on case studies on pilot operations of conservation or restoration of habitats or rare species of Mediterranean regions. Consideration of integrated approaches and various biological models will generate useful information for future operations.

5. Free topic |

Any other contribution related to the study and/or conservation of the Herpetofauna of Mediterranean-type ecosystems could be submitted to the congress.


Contact :

Fax : + 212 5 24 43 74 12 - e-mail : cmh2@ucam.ac.ma - web site : http://www.ucam.ac.ma/cmh2
Adress : Organizing Committee “CMH2”, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, PO Box: 2390, Marrakech 40 000, Morocco